Dignity, it would be reasonable to conclude on many days, has fled the nation’s capital, and may have been given a new identity in a new witness protection program recently created for virtues under siege. And yet, every now and then, we hear of reported sightings . Dignity has taken to showing up in Arizona, when Senator Jeff Flake confronts the specter of ethical calamity in the White House and invites his fellow elected officials to join him in integrity, and when Senator John McCain confronts the specter of death and invites his fellow citizens to unleash the better angels of their nature. READ MORE...
During the winter of 2006, Ted Olson helped me land a job with Rudy Giuliani’s fledgling presidential campaign. Friends for decades, a good word from the legal titan Olson all but assured me a spot in the Lower Manhattan headquarters for Giuliani . More than ten years later, both found their names linked to the defense team for current President Donald Trump . The two took divergent paths and, given a little background, that speaks volumes about the direction of Trump’s legal strategy. READ MORE...
ance Joseph recalled last weekend that Chad Kelly was a “little tubby kid” when he joined the Broncos last year, a Mr. Irrelevant who was not able to play during the 2017 season while recovering from wrist surgery. Kelly has since traded meals with fried foods for dishes featuring spinach and chicken, slimming down his 6-foot-2 frame. And, after about 18 months away from football, Kelly now feels primed to battle Paxton Lynch for Denver’s backup quarterback job. “I knew I needed to move around, get back to my old playing weight (from) back in early college and high school,” said Kelly, who was listed at 224 pounds at the beginning of last season. “(I’m) kind of feeling I can move around and do some things with my legs, but also (remain) powerful in throwing the ball … READ MORE...
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